Diploma Programme - HL Syllabus

Core Topics
  1. Measurements and uncertainties
  2. Mechanics
  3. Thermal physics
  4. Waves
  5. Electricity and magnetism
  6. Circular motion and gravitation
  7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
  8. Energy production

Additional Higher Level (AHL)
  1. Wave phenomena
  2. Fields
  3. Electromagnetic induction
  4. Quantum and nuclear physics

Option Topics
  1. Relativity
  2. Engineering physics
  3. Imaging
  4. Astrophysics

  1. Paper 1: 20%
  2. Paper 2: 36%
  3. Paper 3: 24%
  4. Internal assessment: 20%

Source: IB DP Physics guide First assessment 2016

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